Studying abroad requires lots of investment. The amount may vary as per the program course, university, and country. Funds can be arranged through student loans or by applying for scholarships. There are many types of academic Scholarships available. Some strategic planning and in-depth research can help you achieving the best of them.

Scholarships for studying abroad are categorized as:

Merit based scholarships: Based on student’s academic record or extracurricular activities such as service to the community.

Government scholarships: There are scholarship programs being run by Indian & foreign Governments covering all study related expenses such as travel, accommodation, tuition and library fees.

Subject specific scholarships: Certain institutions and Universities provide scholarships for specific field of study. These may range from mundane courses like Accounts or Electronics and may extend to specialized courses related Theatrics and Fashion.

Scholarships by Private Organizations: There are also certain large business houses who help students to achieve their dream of studying abroad. Tata Scholarship awarded by the Tata Education and Development trust of Tata group is one of them.


By Sonika Rastogi

PG in IT, Sonika has total experience of 12 years. She has worked in the fields of Financial Planning, Investment Advisory, Experiential Learning and Overseas Education. Sonika’s strength lies in Research, Operations and Education.

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